Weak Auras Health Bar
I have a game I'm working on where the player can see the health bars of the player's avatar and other creatures in the game. I want this health bar to always follow the character/creature around. However, I can't figure out how to do this. I thought having the position change when the respective object moved would do the trick, but apparently, it doesn't. When watching the health bar's transform, however, it shows that it is moving with it's respective object but I don't see it on the game screen. Can anyone explain how I go about accomplishing this? Here's the Dropbox link to the project.
Weak Auras Health Bar
Using UI Image components, you can create scalable health bars, using the "sliced" type to get rounded corners that don't distort or get cut off as the bar changes size, or the various "filled" methods to reveal a portion of the bar (including circular bars if you wanted)
When you need different variations on the UI (eg. a boss character who needs a super-fancy-looking health bar) you can create them as new prefabs in the editor, instead of needing to maintain multiple copies of your UI-drawing script for each case
A GameObject child of your canvas representing your health bar. It probably contains one or more child objects of its own for the various visuals (eg. bar frame, bar fill, character name text, status effect icon...)
This does have the effect of separating the health bar from the character object/script, which can be awkward when you're spawning characters at runtime, as you need to do a little work to spawn their health bar too and ensure it's wired-up correctly. Two approaches you can consider:
Add the health bar as a child of your character prefab, so they get spawned together. Modify the Start method above so instead of searching for a parent canvas, we find the main UI canvas in the scene and re-parent the health bar to it during initialization. Since both exist in the same prefab, you can have all their dependencies wired-up in advance (though without nested prefab support, this might mean you end up duplicating assets).
Have your character's health component expose a variable for a health bar prefab. During this health script's Start method, it spawns an instance of this prefab and parents it to the scene's UI canvas. It will also need to handle wiring-up the health bar to follow it, and its own health update to scale the right part of the health bar.
Draw your bar. I suggest creating a guide layer to demonstrate a whole-circle visual of your curved segment. Copy the bar onto another layer and make it a mask, this will be what reveals your healthbar. The mask and the segment should be MovieClips:
Cooldown buffs are buffs used to indicate the cooldown of an item. Cooldown buffs use their stack count as the timer, with one stack being removed each second. Cooldowns are buffs, which means that they cannot be prevented by Survivors of the Void - DLC ContentBen's Raincoat is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.Click for more info. Ben's RaincoatSurvivors of the Void - DLC ContentThis content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.Click for more info.Ben's RaincoatPrevent debuffs, instead gaining a temporary barrier. Recharges over time.Prevents 1 (+1 per stack) debuff and instead grants a temporary barrier for 10% of maximum health. Recharges every 5 seconds.. However, they can be cleansed with Blast Shower20sBlast ShowerCleanse all negative effects.Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles..
This applies to all normal enemies and also bosses. If you find a boss too difficult and they have a purple health bar, upgrade your gear level by one and the boss will show an orange health bar. The fight will feel much easier in comparison. To put it in perspective, fighting a purple health bar boss on Story difficulty, is comparable to fighting an equal gear level on Balanced difficulty. It pretty much means they are +1 difficulty level with each increase in their health bar color.
The latency of the first spectral component in the chronic migraine group was also significantly delayed as compared with the acute migraine group, but only in left-finger movements. This phenomenon has not been revealed in any previous report. We expect that this finding results from the fact that the subjects in the migraine groups were predominately right-handed. Consequently, motor cortical dysfunction in chronic migraine during right finger movement may be more easily compensated for in right-handers, but as the left-hand is already weaker in these subjects, the addition of cortical dysfunction perhaps becomes more apparent during left-handed tasks; in this case in terms of latency.